Your Career Path Through Layoff Season

Starting a career in design is a journey full of ups and downs, especially in the unpredictable times we've faced since the onset of the pandemic. As I've navigated the design and startup world for over a decade, including periods of economic uncertainty and personal setbacks, I understand the challenges that young designers face today (my own career started in 2008…). Let's share some insights and advice to help you stay resilient and inspired.

Embrace Your Unique Journey

Your path in design will be as unique as your own creativity. My career has taken me from Stockholm through London, to the US, now based in SoCal. Each move, each role, and each challenge has shaped my perspective and skills.

Navigating Economic Turbulence

The last few years have been tough for everyone. So talented individuals, myself included, faced layoffs. It's disheartening, but such experiences are not the end of your story. They're merely a part of your journey. Remember, resilience is key.

Advice for Young Designers

  1. Stay Adaptable and Embrace Continuous Learning: Keep up with the latest trends, technologies, and tools in the ever-evolving design industry. Embrace learning as an ongoing journey to maintain your edge.

  2. Build a Diverse Portfolio and Network: Showcase versatility in your work and adapt to various styles and mediums. Simultaneously, build strong relationships within the design community through networking, which can be crucial in times of economic uncertainty.

  3. Develop Soft Skills and Embrace Failure as Growth: Cultivate vital skills like communication, teamwork, and problem-solving. Also, view setbacks as opportunities for learning and development, essential for navigating complex projects and challenging times.

  4. Find Your Niche but Remain Flexible, and Take Calculated Risks: Specialize in an area to stand out, but stay adaptable to changing market needs. Don't shy away from experimenting with new techniques or challenging projects, as these risks can lead to significant professional growth.

  5. Prioritize Self-Care and Seek Feedback: Maintain your mental and physical well-being to sustain creativity and productivity. Additionally, seek constructive feedback and mentorship for continuous improvement and guidance.


Despite many challenges in an ever-evolving tech landscape, a career in design can be incredibly rewarding. Stay resilient, adaptable, and passionate about the craft. The market post-COVID is uncertain but with opportunities for those willing to seek them out and adapt.

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